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Daily Life

The Misericòrdia

The rather grand building complex known as La Misericòrdia in Palma is situated at the top end of the Rambla dels Ducs de Palma de Mallorca, adjoining the Vía Roma. […]

Happy Blue Year

Molts d’anys and Happy New Year. Or should that be Happy Blue Year? Tonight and tomorrow night, the Castell de Bellver and the Cort (townhall building) in Palma de Mallorca […]

The Flàmules Exhibition

May I inspire you to go and see an exhibition in Palma de Mallorca before January 10th, 2010? Flàmules is a historic name for the beautiful Mallorcan fabrics now known […]

The Neules Calendar

The tradition of paper doilies in Mallorca used as a Christmas decoration is called Neules. Many moons ago, neules were hung in churches from a main lamp called the Solomon. […]

To Light A Candle

Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, is now concluded for this year. Tomorrow, the Christian Noche Buena is upon us and the day after, Nadal (Navidad, Christmas). You might want […]

The Act of Giving

The task of shopping for Christmas presents can be quite a burden at times. Somehow, one does not want to be part of the rat race of a fiercely competitive […]

The Hospital Son Llàtzer

Son Llàtzer is a general hospital located in Son Ferriol, on the outskirts of Palma de Mallorca. A newly built facility, it was opened in December 2001 and is integrated […]

Gas In Palma de Mallorca

I am not quite sure that the yellow pipes in today’s photo are indeed gas pipes, but I have a feeling that they might be. The background to my assumption […]

Snow For Christmas?

Earlier this week, this Winter’s first snow fell in Mallorca, along with snowy conditions in mainland Spain and freezing temperatures in most of northern Europe. Snow was reported here in […]

The Bar Cristal Building

There are two emblematic bars in Palma that have served as meeting points for rendezvous, for a quick coffee or a bocadillo, for job interviews, for some flirting, for a […]

Sheepdog Trials in Son Mesquida

Son Mesquida is a small hamlet near Felanitx. For the last nine years, this pueblo has been organising annual sheepdog trials. A championship was held yesterday with the participation of […]

Seasonal Visitors

Over the last few weeks, you may have seen large flocks of small birds in the Mallorcan skies. The birds are starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), and there seem to be millions […]