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Daily Life

The Ibicenco Dog

The Ibicencan Hound (Podenco Ibicenco) is also sometimes called the Pharaoh Hound in reference to its assumed Egyptian origins. Some sources claim that any Egyptian roots have been disproved and […]

The Mallorcan Wood Fired Horno

Every single traditional Mallorcan finca (farmhouse) has its own stone built, wood fired horno (bread oven; forn in Catalan). These bread ovens were used for the weekly ritual of baking […]

Spanish IVA (Value Added Tax)

The Spanish Government under José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero has announced it will raise IVA taxes (impuestos sobre el valor añadido) by 2 % to 18 % from July 2010. That’s […]

Weather Alert

The annual Gota Fría spell seems to be settling in this year for a real string of heavy storms and torrential weather. Yesterday, the Agencia Estatal de Meteorología raised the […]

The Gingerbread House

The Casal de Ca S’Apotecari in Santa Maria del Camí south of the centre of Mallorca is a historic building that apparently is earmarked to house Mallorca’s future Eco-Museum (whatever […]

A Godforsaken Dump

Most people know Mallorca as a holiday destination for tourists. Most expats view Mallorca as their paradise. The Mallorcans themselves see this island as simply the best home possible. Nevertheless, […]

The First Rain Of Autumn

The people in Mallorca are pretty clever. They certainly used to be clever. Mallorcans were particularly clever in matters of survival, like for instance water. Water is essential for washing, […]

Stick Insects (Phasmatodea)

Avid readers of this blog will assume that I am an enthusiast of insects. Well, yes, but no, not really. I just love the beauty of things and as far […]

Back to School

Back to school, and back to normal. In the autumn, Mallorca is at its best. Whether you have been away for holiday or other reasons, or whether you have stayed […]

The Mallorca Record Fair

The Fira Internacional del Disc a Mallorca celebrates its tenth edition this weekend. This year’s record fair started yesterday and will continue until tomorrow, September 13th, at the Palma Arena. […]

Escritura Dealings

The legal system in Spain is based on the Napoleonic Code which makes things quite distinct from countries such as the UK and the USA, where the respective legal systems […]

Banana Republic

In keeping with the annual Mallorcan weather pattern, we had some rain here yesterday in Felanitx. Hooray, at last. We had not seen any rain to speak of since last […]

The Palma Breadline

In case you are hungry and don’t have the means to feed yourself, do not despair. The good people of the Convent dels Caputxins in Palma de Mallorca, frares (monks) […]

Ramadan Fasting

The Muslim month of Ramadan, the holiest month in Islam, begins today, August 22nd. Ramadan is the ninth lunar month of the Islamic calendar, the month in which the first […]