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Daily Life

Autumn Harvest

Just as Mallorca is preparing itself for the arrival of a first wintery spell of snow, albeit only in the highest of our Tramuntana peaks, the countryside is still bristling […]

Stratocumulus Clouds

A walk in the countryside can give you the most gratifying encounters, be that the visual beauty of the landscape, the temperaments of the weather, some unexpected wildlife, some unusual […]

Healing The Wounds

The district of Serralta in Palma de Mallorca is still trying to come to terms with the tragedy and its consequences of twelve days ago, when a four storey building […]

Out Of Work

A total of 81,683 people are currently unemployed in the Balearic Isles (October 2009), up 24,701 from this time last year, i. e. an increase of 43.3 % over this […]

Nature Confused

Last Saturday (October 31st) was the earliest I have ever seen almond blossoms in Mallorca in over twenty years. By nature’s own calendar almond trees do not develop their buds […]

The Oveja Mallorquina

I could not resist taking a photograph of these beautiful sheep horns when I saw them at a friend’s place. The Mallorcan sheep is a handsome animal, called the Oveja […]

Telephone Business

The Spanish firm Telefónica S. A. ranks amongst the largest companies in Spain. The multi-national company is the world’s fourth-largest telecommunications provider, dealing in 25 countries, and is the largest […]

Under the Wind

Yesterday, the island was affected by some considerable wind gusts. No Caps de fibló, just ordinary stormy winds or gales. Wind speeds of up to 90 km/h were reported in […]

Soaking Wet

The island suffered more downpours yesterday. Everything and everybody almost anywhere in Mallorca got soaking wet. This autumn is really turning into one of the wetter ones for a very […]

The Rambla Fountain

At the top end of the Rambla dels Ducs de Palma you may have noticed a nice ornamental fountain. Over the last few month, this fuente presented itself in a […]


With Hallowe’en less than three weeks away, may I remind you that Autumn is the time for pumpkins, gourds, calabazas, marrows, squashes, melons, whatever you want to call them. All […]

The Mostra de la Llampuga

The Mostra de la Llampuga will take place tomorrow, October 11th, in Cala Rajada. There were rumours in the press that this year’s Mostra would not take place, but it […]

Late Summer Heat Wave

In Mallorca, we have had a rather abrupt end to this year’s Summer, remember? Well, now, after all the massive rain, storms and lightning, a later Summer has emerged over […]