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Daily Life

The Chicken Coop

Chicken probably first came to Mallorca thanks to the Romans, some 2,000 years ago. Ever since, they’ve been busy breeding and brooding, just like my friend’s hen in today’s photo. […]

The Cuartel de Son Busquets

Finding your way around Palma de Mallorca, you will probably have come across a number of vast walled-in areas which look perhaps a bit ominous. These are possibly some of […]

Waiting For Godot

If you want to get about in Palma and the bicycle is not your choice of transport, you may well be directed to the services of the Empresa Municipal de […]

Four Years of Blogging

I am happy, and somewhat proud, to let you know that today is the fourth anniversary of this Mallorca Daily Photo Blog. Since Sunday, June 10th, 2007, I have posted […]

Patatas, Papas and Potatoes

Accent, Lady Cristal, Maris Peer, Accord, Charlotte, Royal Kidney and Folva are just some of the potato varieties grown here in Mallorca. Potatoes are one of the main staples of […]

Pedra de Binissalem

In Mallorca, three different stone categories of substance are traditionally used for the local architecture, Marès (sandstone), Piedra de Santanyí and Piedra de Binissalem. The latter is often called Mallorca’s […]

The Ni-Ni Generation

Spain is a very particular country. Having lived here, in Mallorca, for close to 24 years I cannot but notice that everything and everyone everywhere is different from anywhere else […]


The sundial facing the Plaça Nova in Sant Llorenç des Cardassar belongs to the Vicario (vicarage) building. I guess that it was designed sometime around 1895 to 1905. The inscription […]

Playing Marbles

The Salers de Felanitx were busy ball de bot-ing yesterday afternoon in the Parc Municipal de Sa Torre, in Felanitx. Rollets were on sale at the occasion, circled biscuits made […]

Pa de Xeixa

The forns and panaderías (bakeries) in Campos staged the first ever Mostra de Pa Pagès (bakery presentation) as part of this year’s Fira de Maig. You wouldn’t believe what amazing […]

Photography And Voyeurism

Friends of mine who only recently discovered my Mallorca Daily Photo Blog commented on the absence of people in my daily photographic output. I appreciate that sentiment not only for […]

The Benefits of Sea Salt

A Semana de la Sal is going on this week in Ses Salines and in Colònia de Sant Jordi, near Mallorca’s principal salt marshes in the Es Trenc-Salobrar de Campos […]