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The Iglesia de Montesión

In Mallorca, and in particular in the island capital Palma, one continuously encounters relics and historical monuments indicative of wrongdoing, bloodshed, skirmish, conflict, struggle, defeat, massacre, annihilation and general misdemeanour. Often, these objects or buildings are related to religious opponents such as the Moorish population, with the evidence being their main mosque, their citadel, their architectural heritage in general. And if it’s not Islam, it may well be the Jewish foe. The beautiful baroque church of Montesión was built during the 16th century occupying the site of a former Jewish synagogue, dating from 1314. It is said that the Jewish community was probably wrongly accused earlier of proselytizing some members of the Catholic community. A complaint was lodged by the Christians at that time with the sovereign and sanctions were imposed by the king on the Jews, making them forfeit their principal synagogue.

Still, the Església de Montesión would be well worth a visit for its splendour in general and its main altarpiece and its superb portal in particular. The church is normally only open during times of church services.

The photo (top) was chosen from my archive. It was taken in Palma de Mallorca, Baleares, Spain. The date: May 14th, 2008. The time was 12:16:58. The photo (bottom) was borrowed from the Internet, courtesy of and albolm911.

Thank you very much, and

muchas gracias.

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