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Betlems in Mallorca

Betlems or Beléns (Nativity scenes) in Mallorca are a wonderful thing. In the past, most Mallorcan families had one in their house; many of them still do. One of the better nativity scenes in Palma was inaugurated yesterday, December 10th, at the Centre Cultural la Misericòrdia. You should go and have a look. Nearby, there is Spain’s oldest Betlem at the Església de la Sang, dating from the 15th century. Both can be seen for franc and free. And not very far, there is another old and also beautiful Nativity scene at the Monasterio de la Purísima Concepción de Monjas Capuchinas, dating from the 17th and 18th century. Visits to the monastery are granted for an admission fee of 3 €.

A large and impressive Betlem is on display at Palma’s Cort (townhall), also admission free (see photo, top). And another contemporary one can be seen in the patio of C&A (entrance from Carrer Sant Jaume), also free. Sadly, the Betlems at Sant Antoniet and at Ca’n Marquès are not on display this year.

There are many more nativity scenes to be admired in Palma and, in fact, all over Mallorca. Check on some of my previous posts by using the search function. The one shown in the photo (bottom) is not mentioned anywhere; it is quite hidden and not easy to detect. It is always on display, all year round, on the façade of Son Boter, the erstwhile studio of artist, Joan Miró, and can be spotted on a tour of the gardens of the Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró a Mallorca. I imagine you will not have to pay entrance fees if you only want to see the nativity scene; though, entrance admission to the exhibition spaces will be charged.

The photos were taken in Palma Mallorca, Baleares, Spain. The dates: December 7th, 2010 and January 14th, 2006. The time was 17:56:30 and 12:53:17, respectively.

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